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Energy and Material Flows in Sustainable Petrochemistry - Opportunities and Implications

The Conference is jointly organized by the DGMK Division "Petrochemistry", the Division of Industrial Chemistry of the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) and the ÖGEW Österreichische Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaften.

This conference brings together experts from industry and academia. A unique feature of this conference over the years is the high participation from industry, representing roughly one third of the delegates. This makes this conference an ideal platform for networking. The conference will cover topical scientific and technological issues e.g. catalysis and other enabling, petrochemical technologies, addressing the special challenges of the energy transition and improved sustainability. 

Abstracts on both fundamental studies and applied research around the above topics will be highly welcome.

English will be the conference language throughout. The scientific programwill consist of keynote lectures by renowned experts in the field (upon invitation only), oral presentations and poster presentations. There will be no parallel sessions and ample time will be allowed for discussion. The preprints with the manuscripts of keynote, oral and poster presentations will be handed out in electronic form to registered participants only at the conference desk.

Topics of Keynote Lectures

  • Utilization of unconventional feedstocks (waste streams, bio-derived raw materials) in petrochemical processes
  • Energy efficiency and product-carbon-footprint of processes and materials
  • Electrification of petrochemical processes
  • Design and evaluation of sustainable processes & separations
  • AI and data science in process design and optimization
  • Cross-industry value chains (e.g. steel, cement, refineries, ...)


DGMK /SCI / Soc.Chimica Austriaca
27 Novembre, 2024
29 Novembre, 2024
Mario Marchionna

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